About Us

About Me

Since 2021, Transform Your Life has been helping cancer survivors retake control of their health through natural food and pain control. I help survivors embark on a journey that is shared by other survivors through group coaching sessions with the option of attending a quarterly retreat. My goal is to encourage and motivate survivors by giving them tools to help restore health and prevent the return of cancer. By helping one another, survivors can transform not only their lives, but together we can transform the world.

photo of Lenay Taylor

I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on Valentine’s Day, 2001. I found the lump in November but was too scared to have it checked right away. I had no symptoms other than the lump. I underwent bilateral mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation, and reconstruction lasting about 15 months. I was in a bad marriage at the time, but when it finally ended in 2010, one of the first things I did was take an active interest in my health and I’ve been on that road ever since.